Thursday, 23 April 2015

Suikoden Series Figure Set One

So, we have our very first post featuring figures on the blog! Woo!

I've loved the Suikoden Series of games for a very long time. My brother had a copy of Suikoden II for the PS1 he let me play, and it was one of my favourite of the PS1 era JRPGS. I had always hoped to pick up my own copy so I could replay it, but I could never bring myself to pay the high price for a copy on Ebay.

AND THEN! A wondrous day occurred and both Suikoden and Suikoden II were added to the EU PSN store. I bought them both immediately and life was glorious.

To celebrate such a momentous occasion I decided to make a set of my favourite Suikoden characters as Polymer Clay figures!

Tir McDohl [Suikoden I Hero]
And a lovely backview
Humphrey Mintz
The first of many capes... Silly capes.
Flik 'The Blue Lightning'
Sword is removable from sheath.
Viktor 'The Bear'
His hair ended up quite sharp at the back
Clive. A backview seems rather pointless
Tai Ho. 
Yam Koo
He gets a backview just to show the basket
Riou [Suikoden II Hero]
Those Tonfas... were very annoying,..
Gremio. Again no boring backview.

I just realised I added Gremio so far away from Tir.... I'm a mean person XD

Some boring production facts... They're all made of a mix of Fimo and Sculpey, they're about 7.5 inches/18cms tall... and that's all I can think of.

Suikoden and all it's characters are © KONAMI.


Welcome to my blog!

I'll be using this blog to post images of the things I make and all that. I'm not very good at this whole blogging lark, so this is all going to be a little clumsy and haphazard (although not as clumsy and haphazard as my terrible temporary background and header!)

I have an etsy shop in the works, and I'll put a link up once it goes live with some actual things for sale.

That's... probably about it for now.