Coming Soon!


I've had a bit of an inspiration explosion recently, and I've planned out so many projects that I am not realistically able to call all of them my 'current project' so they're all being relegated to... COMING SOON status!

So the things on this page are just that, coming sometime soon...ish. [Cut to that baby sloth meme saying 'soon...ish' here XD]

I can't guarantee they'll be done in a few weeks....or a few months... or even within the year. I should hope they will be, but who knows! I'm waffling.

So, coming soon to a mediocre blog near you... Very near you infact, if you're actually reading this...

SOON - [Things in colour are always soon, given that I colour them so I know what clay to buy]

Bravely Default Job Figurines [They're already on the project wall...that's how current they are]
Breath of Fire Series - Ryu Collection
Breath of Fire Series - Nina Collection
Ys Series - The Adol Collection

The 'I didn't want to waste paper' Collection, or the RPG Heroes Collection -
Featuring Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, Soul Blazer, Jade Cocoon and Alundra.


Final Fantasy: Four Heroes of Light - I miss noses. Below are all the job classes for this game.

SNES Style -
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Seiken Densetsu 3 [or Secret of Mana 2]
Secret of Evermore - This reminded me that I haven't drawn a dog in ages... At least I remember they have four legs!

Playstation style -

Wild Arms
Star Ocean 2 - Torn between the original PS1 designs or the slightly updated remake designs...Also Celine is... not going to happen. And Noel... His outfit. So dull. Hmm.


Ashley Riot from Vagrant Story - His outfit... is so weird. But I do love the game. But that outfit.
Rei from Breath of Fire 3 - He doesn't go with all the Ryus and Ninas but... I love him anyway.
Live a Live characters - I've never actually played this for more than 30 minutes...[Always started with Oboro and then got annoyed with killing/not killing everyone]. Ended up watching a Lets Play in the end XD 

Other random ideas that haven't formed coherently enough to be sketched out yet -

Child of Light figurines - Love this game. But then it makes me sad. So pretty.
Okami - I need to replay it again. But then I will probably be obsessed and want to make everyone and everything from it. I should buy lots of white clay in preparation...
Professor Layton - The characters all look so... varied. Part of me wants to make them all for the challenge, but then... I don't think I'd actually want to put them all on display somewhere. So sort of pointless. A dilemma.

Bask in the glory that is my folder of reference images! It reveals that also in the planning stages is -

ROGUE GALAXY - Urgh, need to replay... So badly.
KATAMARI - Cute! Weird! Winning!
KINGDOM HEARTS - Mostly just various heartless because they're cute.
DRAGON QUEST & FINAL FANTASY - Don't... really need explanations.
SPYRO - I've been replaying all 3 games recently and I had the ludicrous idea of making figurines of the little characters that are associated with each level, and then painting a background of that level to photograph them in. Very grand. Very unlikely.
DOGS OF GAMING - Including - Missile [Ghost Trick], Mira [Silent Hill], Angelo [FF8], Interceptor [FF6], Dogmeat [Fallout 4], Constantine [PL vs PW], Polterpup [Luigis Mansion], Rush [Megaman] and the Mabari [Dragon Age].
HORSES OF GAMING - I like horses. Including - Red Hare [Dynasty Warriors], Epona [Zelda Series], Agro [Shadow of the Colussus], and Shadowmere [Elder Scrolls].

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